Struggling with your mental health?
Uniting’s Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program, known as Recovery Options, assists people that identify as having a mental health issue that reside in the northern suburbs of Perth.
Our Recovery Mentors will support you to develop an individual recovery plan and set goals around your wellbeing in a holistic manner.
Anthony (my Recovery Mentor) helped improve my mental health, to the point where I can now work. I found him to be one of the most humble and sincere people I’ve ever met.”
Participant feedback
If you’d like some extra support in any of the following areas, we can help.
Managing day-to-day activities
Social skills and relationships
Entering employment or training
Physical and mental wellbeing
Connecting to other services
Helping you use your strengths
We adopt a strength-based, recovery-focused approach. Meaning, we focus on the things that you can do, the skills and strengths you’ve developed over your years. From there we support you to build the confidence and capacity to map out what you would like your life to look like.
“Things have been going really well. I’m especially glad that Mikayla (Recovery Coach) understands my trans identity, considering I live with transphobic family which is pretty tough on my mental health. So having her as a support makes such a difference for me and my identity.”
Participant feedback
This program is perfect for you if:
You’re living with a mental health condition that impacts your daily life.
You’re looking for extra support to reach your goals and feel more independent.
You want to improve your overall well-being and live life to the fullest.
Interested in finding out more?
We just need to find out a few things about you first.