Community housing services
Uniting WA offer a range of support services that are related to accommodation and housing. These support services are provided in conjunction with a customised tenancy and property management service.
Uniting is a registered Tier 2 Community Housing Provider under the Community Housing Regulatory Framework.
Housing services
Uniting offer a Homelessness Accommodation Support Service (HASS) that provides case management and accommodation support for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
We offer a range of accommodation support for people with disability and/or identify as living with a mental health issue. We provide a service called Supported Independent Living (SIL) and offer a range of accommodation options for adults with disability who want to maintain their independence in a shared living environment. Uniting also offer a service called the Independent Living Program (ILP). This service supports people who identify as experiencing long-term persistent mental illness to live independently in their own home and the community.
Our Specialist Re-Entry team are able provide reintegration support to men who have been incarcerated for long or indeterminate sentences. This support can include transitional accommodation (if appropriate.)
Current Uniting WA tenants can access tenant resources using the Tenant hub. The hub will give you access to policies and procedure, tenant surveys, newsletters fact sheets and forms for you to report a problem.