Your Say – disability advocacy program
We advocate when we stand with someone or speak up on their behalf to make sure their interests and rights are being heard.
Your Say is a free, confidential advocacy service that promotes and protects the rights of people with disability and those who identify as having a mental health issue. It’s available to people who live in the Perth metro area.
Our expert team can help you express your views and stand up for your rights. We can support you to resolve complex issues or concerns, and build your capacity to access the services you need in your community.
Click here to download the Uniting WA Your Say brochure.
If you’d like a confidential chat, please send us an email or give us a call on 1300 663 298.
Your Say can help you develop the confidence and skills to advocate for yourself in areas such as:
- education
- financial
- employment
- housing
- community participation and inclusion
- human rights
- neglect or abuse
- health
- transport
- access to services
Developmental Disability WA have an Easy Read guide to getting help from an Advocate.
Your Say is funded through the National Disability Advocacy Program and is one of a number of advocacy services available in Western Australia which includes:
Advocacy WA (South-west region of WA)
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth – Personal Advocacy Service (Perth metro)
Citizen Advocacy Perth (Perth metro)
Kin Advocacy (Perth metro, Peel, Kimberley and Pilbara)
Midland Information, Debt & Legal Service (MIDLAS) Inc. (North-east region of Perth)
People with Disabilities (WA) Inc. (Perth metro and regional)
Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc (Perth, Perth mid-west, Goldfields/Esperance and Great Southern)