The Path Home.

An exhibition ft. the photography of Jarrad Seng. At QV1, Aug 26 - Sept 13.

Don't miss it

We’re here for you

We provide community services including children, family and foster care services, NDIS disability, advocacy and mental health services, as well as financial wellbeing, homelessness and housing support.

The Uniting team supports people experiencing complex challenges throughout the Perth metro area and in the Great Southern.

How can we help?

We provide services that support people and communities to be valued and connected.

Wyn Carr House

Unite with us to empower older women facing homelessness.

Get involved

Help us provide essential community services by sharing your skills and experience


Together we can do more.

A small act can sometimes be enough. A helping hand can halve a burden.

Our team strive to make a difference every day. With your help, we can achieve even greater things.

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