Escaping violence payment
Please click on the button below to access Escaping Violence Payment support via the Uniting Vic.Tas website.
You can also call the EVP team on 1800 EVP EVP (1800 387 387)
The Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) Program is available for people 18+ who have recently experienced intimate partner violence, have a changed living situation and are experiencing financial stress.
That violence can be:
- Physically, verbally or sexually abusive
- Emotionally, spiritually or psychologically abusive
- Economically abusive
- Threatening, coercive, or seeks to control or dominate the other person.
How does it work?
If you are looking to leave a violent partner, or have recently left and you are struggling with the finances to live your life in safety, you could be eligible for:
- Up to $5000 in financial assistance
- Goods and services such as removalists, bonds or basics for a new home
- Wrap-around support including casework from the EVP provider.
You do not need to be connected to Uniting WA to access the program. If you are already working with a family violence support service, talk to them about what to do next or alternatively you can complete the application yourself using the button above.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a client of the EVP program?
To download the EVP client booklet, click here.
EVP information for agencies
To download a flyer about the Escaping Violence Payment for the people your agency supports, click here.
Please note this is not a crisis service.
If you are in a situation of danger now, please call 000.
If you are experiencing family violence and need immediate support or advice, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit the Get Support Now page on our website.