Our Bold Dreams for Homelessness Week 2019
We walk alongside them, helping to build their strengths and access the supports they need. Our range of community services includes children’s services, independent living and accommodation, mental health and disability services, and community / family support.
We would like to walk a lot further with each person. So, during Homelessness Week 2019 (4-10 August), we’re aiming to open Tranby seven days, from 7am to 7pm.
We want these extended opening hours to become permanent as part of our commitment to ending homelessness in WA, creating a system of consistent coverage and providing more opportunities for intervention and support.
Every $50 you can give us, gets us an extra quarter hour of opening time. That makes a real difference for 200+ people every day.
You can be a part of this bold initiative to help people connect to community and transition from homelessness. Let’s keep the doors open at Tranby 7-7, 7 days each week.
Thank you for empowering people in our community to live a life of belonging, hope and purpose.
You can donate to open Tranby 7-7, 7 here.
24 June 2019
For more information email: fundraising@unitingcarewest.org.au