Virtual Sleepover Provides a Window to The Reality of Homelessness
28 July 2020
Most people can’t imagine what it would be like to sleep rough on the streets, but this is the reality for hundreds of people in Perth each and every night.
At Uniting WA, we invite you to experience the discomfort of homelessness for just 1 night.
Held from 1-9 August, our Uniting Virtual Sleepover allows you and your family to the experience virtual homelessness from your own home. It’s a chance for you to connect with your friends, work colleagues and the community to feel what it’s like to sleep rough for a single night.
But unlike people experiencing homelessness, you get to choose your level of discomfort. This might be sleeping outside in the elements, on the floor in your lounge room, or on your couch.
If sleeping rough virtually is too much, you can easily set-up a fundraiser to help people experiencing homelessness in reality.
Uniting CEO Amanda Hunt said our homes provide more than just a warm, safe place to sleep.
“They are our sanctuary – and there are far too many people who don’t have a place to call home.
“The Uniting Virtual Sleepover provides a glimpse into a world that is the daily reality for a growing number of people – estimated to be 600-900 people in Perth alone,” said Ms Hunt.
To donate or to learn more, download the toolkit here.
Homelessness Week 2020 is held 2-8 August.