Uniting WA Response to Federal Budget
Uniting WA urges Federal Government to focus on affordable housing.
15 May 2021
Uniting WA welcomes this week’s Federal Government’s Budget announcement, which included investment across the NDIS, mental health and women and children’s safety.
In particular, we acknowledge an additional $13.2 billion over four years to support the NDIS and $17.9 million for early intervention to support young children with disability or developmental challenges, as well as measures to support the development of the disability care workforce.
We also welcome the commitment of $1.1 billion to support the improvement of women’s safety, and $2.3 billion for mental health.
Despite strong investment in some areas, marginalised members of the community – including those without stable housing, people who rely on JobSeeker payments and Aboriginal people – will continue to struggle, with the budget lacking the scale and scope of investment needed to deliver real and lasting outcomes for these people.
The impacts of COVID, reductions in JobKeeper and JobSeeker and a lack of rental affordability have only marginalised these groups further.
Uniting WA urges the Federal Government to increase its’ investment in social and affordable housing.
“We already know that safe and secure housing is the foundation that supports people to live healthy, happy lives and contribute to their community,” said Uniting WA CEO, Amanda Hunt.
“We’re calling on the Federal Government to increase its’ investment in social and affordable housing, so that those who are already living on the fringes aren’t marginalised further,” she said.
“We should never accept any Australian living without a roof over their head,” said Amanda.