Media Release: New App to Help People Gain Essential ID

The ID App has been developed for Street Law Centre WA Inc to assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness apply for Centrelink, banks accounts, Birth Certificates or Photo ID cards.

Chief Justice Quinlan, Patron of Street Law, will be joined by Peter Fitzpatrick AO, AM, Chair of UnitingCare West and Drew Broadfoot, Chairperson of Street Law.

Mr Broadfoot said the App has been custom developed to equip community workers to more effectively execute non-legal tasks.

“Community workers have long highlighted issues with getting ID for the people they assist, and this can severely delay their ability to progress with housing, employment, rehabilitation and driving,” Mr Broadfoot said.

“The ID App allows us to determine what identification a person needs and makes suggestions on how to get additional documents”.

The App is being launched as part of Law Week 2019 #LawyersMakeADifference and will be followed by a special Street Law ID clinic at Tranby Centre.

The technology was created by UWA Law School students through Legal ‘APP’titude, a unit to help community organisations through technology. The work was supported by Corrs Chambers Westgarth with technology support from Checkbox.

A Lotterywest grant also allows Street Law to assist people with the costs of gaining ID documents.

Since 2006, UnitingCare West has provided support for around 200 people experiencing homelessness each day, Monday-Saturday, at its Tranby Centre Engagement Hub.

Street Law has been providing services from Tranby Centre since 2011.

13 May 2019

Media Contact Details

For more information and photo opportunities please contact:

Ren Adams, Practice Lead Communications & Fundraising, UnitingCare West

Phone: 0409 171 296


A PDF of this media release is available here.