Koort Boodja: New Transitional Accommodation Program for Perth
As part of Uniting WA’s ongoing commitment to address the growing issue of rough sleeping and homelessness in our city, we have commenced operation of a transitional accommodation program for people experiencing homelessness from the site previously occupied by the Backpacker City and Surf hostel on Money Street, Northbridge.
Koort Boodja will provide accommodation and wrap-around case management support for to up to 30 people at one time including couples, families with adult children, and single men and women.
The program was developed following the success of Uniting’s recent Beds for Change initiative.
“Koort Boodja will adopt a crisis intervention model, with a specific goal to provide alternative accommodation and support options for people for whom mainstream accommodation services didn’t meet their needs,” said Head of Service Operations, Michael Chester.
“People accessing the service will receive wrap-around, customised support, so they’re empowered to address issues that contribute to their homelessness and achieve positive change in their lives.”
The Department of Communities has committed to fund 20 beds in the program for a period of 6 months.
Uniting has a long history of providing essential support to people experiencing homelessness in Perth. Our outreach, crisis support and accommodation teams assist people with their essential needs and provide wrap-around services that are tailored to the needs of each individual, at any stage in their journey out of homelessness.