Annual Report 2019-2020 Launched

19 November 2020

At our Annual Public Meeting on 18 November 2020, Uniting WA Board Chairperson Erica Haddon officially launched the Uniting WA Annual Report 2019-2020.

Joining Ms Haddon as speakers at the event were Chief Executive Officer Amanda Hunt and our Head of Service Operations, Michael Chester. Widely-respected Noongar Elder Aunty Liz Hayden provided a Welcome to Country and reminded attendees of the significance of First Peoples’ culture, Country and waters. Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Uniting Church Western Australia, offered a prayer and her commitment to continue to support and work alongside Uniting in our purpose of inspiring people, enlivening communities and confronting injustice.

The Uniting WA Annual Report 2019-2020 is published digitally this year to enhance readability and accessibility. A printable PDF version is also available.

Uniting WA Board Chairperson Erica Haddon officially launched the Uniting WA Annual Report 2019-2020 last night.

Aunty Liz Hayden provided a Welcome to Country and reminded attendees of the significance of First Peoples’ culture, Country and waters.