You’ve found the secret recipe for team building.

Ingredients for a connected team:

  • 1/4 cup working together to feed people sleeping rough in Perth

  • 1 pinch healthy competition

  • 3 Tbsp the life story of someone who has lived through homelessness

Your contribution:
$150 per person with between 5 – 20 people participating.
Allow a 1/2 day for this recipe.


Step 1: Preheat your excitement.
Make your way to Uniting WA’s Northbridge office where you’ll be greeted by our friendly team.

Step 2: Learn about homelessness in Perth from someone who has lived through it

Step 3: Next you’ll head downstairs to our crisis support centre, Tranby Engagement Hub.

You’ll be broken into groups for a MasterChef-style cooking challenge. The competition will heat up so make sure to grab your oven mitts!

Step 4: Your meals will be judged, and winners will be announced.

But remember that you are all winners…

Because you’ve made a difference by cooking an awesome meal that will feed people sleeping rough.

Step 5: The food you’ve made will be served to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness at our Tranby Engagement Hub.

The warm fuzzy feeling you’ll get from making a difference can be stored for weeks.

If you run out, it can always be replenished by coming back for a volunteer shift.

Recipe for Change enquiry form

  • Please note:
    Recipe for Change sessions run Monday – Friday.
    Dates are subject to availability.

    Click on the calendar icon below to choose a date.

    DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.