The Path Home
Outreach Services
Assertive and responsive teams of Support Workers who build rapport with people sleeping rough.
Uniting WA Services:
- Street to Home
- HEART (Led by Department of Communities and St Pat's)
Engagement Hubs
Drop-in crisis support centres to access meals, showers, support and services, as well as accommodation and other referrals.
Uniting WA Services
• Tranby Engagement Hub (Tranby)
Gary, Nigel, Jodie and Matt have accessed Tranby on their journeys.
Crisis Accomodation
Low barrier, short to medium-term accommodation with wrap around support.
Uniting WA Services
• Koort Boodja
• Medical Respite Centre (led by Homeless Healthcare)
Sharlene is finding her path home via crisis accomodation
Supportive Housing
Long-term housing with a supportive landlord approach to help people maintain their tenancies, and manage their mental health and wellbeing.
Uniting WA Service
• Independent Living Program
Bernie found her path home to supportive housing.
Transitional Housing
Medium to long-term accommodation with wrap-around support for people who need support to build their confidence and capacity.
Uniting WA Services
• HASS (Homeless Accommodation Support Service)
• The Together Program
Kayla is finding her path home via transitional housing.
The onwards journey
With the right support along the way, people can build their capacity to consider other options like social (public and affordable) housing, the private rental market and future home ownership.
Gary, Nigel, Jodie and Matt followed the path home to public housing.